Apr 24, 2023
Ready to start (or upgrade) a business?
We help entrepreneurs operating small businesses; nonprofits; and workers’ cooperatives. Finding the right lawyer can be hard – and...
Apr 8, 2023
¿Esta preocupado por un antiguo arresto? Elimine sus antecedentes penales
Su cita con el tribunal ya paso. Toda la mala experiencia se terminó – excepto el registro de su detención esta todavÃa en su récord. Ese...
Apr 7, 2023
Are you haunted by an old arrest? Eliminate your arrest records
The cruiser's lights faded. Your court date came and went. The whole bad experience is a wrap — except the record of your arrest is...
Mar 30, 2023
Pass a home as inheritance without a court order: "Transfer on Death Deeds"
Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. It not only presents emotional challenges for the bereaved,...
Mar 30, 2023
Transmitir una vivienda en herencia sin orden judicial
La pérdida de un ser querido es uno de los momentos más difÃciles en la vida de una persona. No solo presenta desafÃos emocionales para...
Mar 29, 2023
Why Wills are a key tool in your estate plan
Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. It not only presents emotional challenges for the bereaved,...
Mar 29, 2023
Protect your family with an estate plan
Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. It not only presents emotional challenges for the bereaved,...
Mar 21, 2023
Eviction Rates in Travis County
Texas eviction filings reached new highs during the Covid-19 pandemic. As pandemic aid dollars dry up and emergency orders protecting...
Mar 17, 2023
How Many Protective Orders are Granted in Travis County?
A Protective Order is a court order issued by a judge to protect victims of family violence. The judge decides, with the petitioner’s...
Mar 16, 2023
Austin’s growing refugee community and domestic violence rates
Austin is home to about 12,000 refugees and asylum seekers from across the world. Refugee status or asylum may be granted to people who...